Having lived near NYC for many years of my life, I am deeply saddened to see how many people are struggling with Covid-19 in the city .... THE CITY THAT DOESN'T SLEEP. i am truly inspired by all the courageous first responders and health care professional who are working tirelessly to help during this pandemic. if i know one thing about NEW YORKERS, they are some of the strongest people in the world and will be back to the hustle bustle before you know it. APA
Times of uncertainty brings the most important things into focus. At THE SHAVEMSTER, as I see the spread of COVID-19 (Coronavirus) in the U.S, my priority is the well-being of each my Regular or Future Clients. As of March 17,2020 I temporarily suspended service to the health and well being of us all.
While we can’t know what will happen in the coming days and weeks, I do know that THE SHAVEMSTER made the right choice earlier enough for the safety, Health and well being of us all.